web design from

Online since the beginning, we keep pace with this evolution and use the new technologies for your website, applications and online campaigns. Our web design implementations impress with high quality, individual design, modern features and technical future security.
Our experienced crew implements programming and design in-house, close to the customer. As part of our projects, we host your website on our own servers, which are operated 100% with GreenIT according to international standards such as the "ok-power" seal of approval (electricity verifiably from renewable energies) and the Plant-a-Tree project (for the important support of global reforestation projects). After the release of your new website, we are also happy to take over the maintenance and upkeep of the homepage content, social media channels and even the production of content for your online activities.

Webdesign Vienna

Modern responsive webpages

Design doesn't just mean beautifying content, design is a fusion of image, usability and functionality and thus offers added value that can make websites successful. Web design already happens in the concept. The first steps, i.e. planning the functions, already define the framework, yes, the success of a website. We also support you with the creation of content and messages. Modern and target group-oriented web design takes into account not only the visual design but also the message, the story that you want to convey to your visitors. We create these concepts together with you and implement them with high visual and functional quality. Function, image, branding, usability. A modern website encompasses these concepts in order to achieve the success and goal of the website more efficiently. We also implement redesigns and relaunches competently and to a high standard.


e-Commerce & Webshops

Even if the term "Web 2.0" itself is not technically correct, it has become part of everyday language. It generally refers to the development of services that actively involve the user in a website and allow them to participate in the design of the homepage through interaction with the page. "Web 2.0" is accompanied by a whole range of developments and technologies, such as the interactivity of homepages, user profiles, communication channels such as comments, ratings and feedback, or the integration of functions from other websites such as Google Maps or Facebook. But "Web 2.0" has also made a lot of changes in terms of design, such as the clear structuring of content, good readability and ease of use (usability). In short, Web 2.0 means a focus on the user themselves - and that is what it is all about after all.

Mobile web design

websites on smartphones / tablets

With the rapidly increasing popularity of smartphones such as Android systems, iPhones or other Internet-enabled mobile phones, it is becoming increasingly important to make websites and web services compatible with these devices and to offer an optimized version that is tailored to the limited mobile phone displays and slower performance. The content of the website is displayed in a different, simplified layout to avoid tedious scrolling and annoying waiting times for mobile visitors. Our content management systems automatically recognize the range of mobile devices as such, and the specially tailored layout of the website is then displayed in an optimized manner on the mobile phone display. Our web design projects can be equipped with a mobile version to work optimally on smartphones and tablets.

online magazines

Von Print zu Digital

Facebook, Twitter and the like are an indispensable part of a modern marketing mix. A modern website is in constant contact with the respective profile in the social networks and enables the exchange of data between the site and the users. In addition to the integration of share buttons for sharing pages, tweet buttons (Twitter) and similar options for sharing, commenting and distributing content, we provide you with automated update functions. New content such as news or new articles on your website are automatically published in social networks such as Facebook and Twitter and thus made directly available to an affine audience. The creation and integration of social media profiles helps the image, the brand, as well as customer loyalty and the reach of your company or your products.

Apps & Programming

CMS / Apps / Programming

A content management system allows you to easily maintain your own website and its content without having to deal with complicated technical details and processes. In a special administration area, administrators can create and modify texts, images and multimedia content and manage them easily. Individual extensions to the system allow specific solutions and functions such as image galleries, presentation elements, a user community or a fully functional online shop. With its modular structure, a CMS allows the ongoing integration of additional extensions in order to be able to react flexibly to developments in technology and the market with the existing website. A dynamic page with a CMS is the only sensible way to create, present and distribute content on the web these days. A wide range of extensions, plug-ins and add-ons will help you with this.

Branding & Design

SEO / search engine optimization

In addition to web campaigns and online advertising, search engines are still the most important entry point to your website. It is not enough to be found just by the company or product name, but also by a range of relevant keywords and phrases. A whole range of measures are required to achieve the highest possible position in the most common search engines. On the one hand, we help with search engine optimization with technical solutions that rewrite page addresses, generate meta tags and sitemaps and create redirects; on the other hand, we revise content texts and take care of regular updates to the homepage. SEO is not a foreign word to us; use our many years of experience in the field of search engine optimization and improve your ranking in the search results. After all, you found us, right?

The World Wide Web has changed the world

Webdesign Vienna, Austria and the whole world

The easy and quick availability of content has also changed people's behavior. We live in a time in which the need for information can be satisfied at any time and from any place. This trend is currently reflected in the high prevalence of smartphones and tablets, which are always ready in our pockets as "personal assistants". And the range of options is truly overwhelming. In addition to homepages and social media channels such as Facebook and Twitter, videos and moving image content have become daily companions that transport content and messages to the desktop and mobile devices. But that's not all - applications and widgets are expanding the range of information carriers, and games in the browser and on smartphones are intended to entertain.
Multidimensional Studio for Design, Film and Visual Arts

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