Für die International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) haben wir einige Animationen konzipiert, hier ein Auszug aus dem „Neutron Probe – Concept“. Die Neutronen-Sonde ist im wesentliche ein Apparat zur Messung der Bodenfeuchtigkeit. Wie, wo und warum? Check it out!
Wie viele der großen Forschungsinstitute in Wien und auf internationaler Ebene legt auch die IAEA großen Wert auf die Wissenschaftsvermittlung.
tuesday, 22nd august
understanding the neutron soil moisture probe…
please take into account: we will have a voice actor explaining the overall situation as well as supporting the viewer with additional explanations about the various details. this text is not prepared so the following animation-concept relies on parts yet to come.
introduction to the probe’s function and it’s field appliance:
1. you will see an entire crop field in 3d space from a brids perspective.
2. from this perspective we zoom in to a more specific site where the probe is located.
3. the probe rotates and can be seen from all different angles and a hole gets digged into the soil. At this stage the entire crop field gets sliced and u can see a cross section of the soil with the probe hovering above the ground.
4. the probe gets lowered into the hole and the detector gets inserted into the aluminium tube.
5. the detector/emitter starts emitting high-energy neutrons. you can see a lot of particles coming out of the emitter, going through the soil. we zoom in to the molecular level so we can observe what is going on. we can follow the movement of a couple of high-energy neutrons passing through the dry soil without being slowed down or deflected. a couple of seconds later we visualize the difference in neutron movement by simulating irrigation. water is flowing down from top to bottom and you can observe a couple of h2o molecules. now some of the high-energy neutrons get slowed down and get deflected by the hydrogen atoms. some of the deflected neutrons bounce back directly to the detector. the detector counts those returning low energy neutrons. we zoom back to our measuring site and can see the emitter/detector doing his work, counting returning neutrons. 6. we obtained different values from differnt depths of soil. via specific software these values are compiled into a per volume percentage map of the soils’s moisture. now we can see the same process of emitting neutrons and counting returning ones but this time the statistical moisture values are displayed over the cross section of the soil as the measuring goes on. we zoom out again to the birds view perspective, you will see a „moisture map“ for the entire field.
7. we slowly fly through the crop field, during that further information about the use of this data gets explained, such as:
> optimizing irrigation scheduling – saving water and reducing cost
> reduced waterlogging, soil compaction and plant disease. > developing a basis for future management desisions
> better use of natural rainfall and a possible increase in the area irrigated.